Talking about the most beautiful art, maybe the most primitive, where the clay and the hands meet, is to talk about Pedro Mercedes, that potter, who for more than 50 years, in his ancient workshop in Cuenca, with his lathe and Arab oven has let her creative passion pass away.
The spirit of an unknown god travels, like a breath, all his work. Because in each clay pot, two amazing spaces coexist. A world of ancestral mythology and another one of deep ibera roots, which are friendly.
With a totally self-taught background, he was one of the first potters to sign his pieces, and he knew how to evolve towards new horizons, creating a school.
Like that of any self-respecting artist, the work of Pedro Mercedes is easily recognizable, especially its decoration based on “scraping”, a technique created by him and in which nobody has managed to match him.
With lines drawn in a single stroke, it arranges all the elements so that they adapt to each surface, covering all the spaces that can be scraped or decorated. Obtaining as a result the harmony, between size, shape and color.
Over his artistic or creative qualities, has been that simple man, plain, far from false or false feelings, which could have been wrong his way of understanding life.
With Pedro Mercedes, pottery has evolved from traditional crafts to the category of art.

Soil, water, air and fire
Tributes and exhibitions
“…Outstanding figure at international level for the union of traditional pottery and art…”
newspaper library
“…His hands have a hundred centuries of wisdom. Heir to a divine art, the art of clay; of an art that is a clue of man… “
J.M. Pérez Lozano, “LA BELLEZA DEL BARRO”, Diario “YA”
Book of signatures
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